It can be difficult to watch your child struggling with their weight. As a parent, you want to do everything you can to help your children – especially when they are stressed. Here are some ways to help support your child if you are worried that their weight may be affecting their health and well-being.

Seeing your child struggle with their weight can be challenging. When your kids are stressed out, especially, you want to do everything you can to support them. If you are concerned that your child's weight may be affecting their health and well-being, here are some ways to support them.

Avoid blame

Young people can put on weight for a variety of reasons that are beyond their control or because of personal behaviors, frequently with complicated causes. Bias, stigma, and bullying are frequent experiences for overweight children. It's important to avoid placing blame on your child and instead make an effort to comprehend the structural factors at work that promote weight gain. Having a greater knowledge of the situation will make it easier for you to give your child real-world support.

Young people may gain weight for a variety of reasons that are beyond of their control or as a result of individual behaviors, often with complex underlying causes. Children who are overweight frequently endure prejudice, stigma, and bullying. Instead of placing the blame on your child, it's crucial to try to understand the structural elements at play that encourage weight increase. Knowing more about the circumstance can make it simpler for you to provide your child with practical support.

Approach discussions without passing judgement

It's crucial that your child understands you care about them and are always willing to hear about their fears or problems without passing judgement.

Avoid using derogatory terminology or making remarks about people's bodies, even your own. This may lower your child's sense of self-worth and make them hesitant to confide in you.

Have constructive discussions

In a fast-changing digital landscape, it is important to remain aware of threats to the mental health and well-being of your child as it relates to their confidence and body image issues. These can range from social media posts stereotyping weight or encouraging eating disorders, to the constant corporate marketing of unhealthy junk food targeting children. You can visit Jamil Aesthetic

Consider using these suggestions to start weight-related conversations with your kids:

Encourage your child to communicate their emotions by asking open-ended questions, such as "How are you feeling?" or "How are things going at school?"

To provide a sense of security, thank your youngster for confiding in you about their emotions.

Stress the advantages of greater health while acknowledging that eating healthily and keeping a healthy weight can be difficult.

Be upbeat and encouraging.

Put an emphasis on healthy habits

Focus on "health and a healthy goals" rather than weight loss, unless a health professional advises otherwise. Healthy food and exercise habits don't just appear out of nowhere. Making improvements that stick takes patience, perseverance, and time from both you and your child. Any significant, abrupt changes to your child's food or way of life are unlikely to be successful and might even be hazardous to their health. Small, gradual changes that engage the entire family are more successful.

No matter your weight, you can help to support your child by leading the way with healthy habits. Explore the different food groups together, learn what nutrients are needed as part of a healthy eating and discuss why certain foods are better options than others.

Enjoy mealtimes together

Prepare and eat meals as a family as often as you can. This is a perfect time to discuss and put healthy eating into practice. Give your child kid-sized quantities, and if they still want more food, let them ask for it. It also teaches your child that there are specific times for eating rather than encouraging them to munch all day long. Set meal and snack timings.

Find joy in movement

Encourage your family to play outside and to exercise together. Children should be active for at least an hour every day starting at age 3, but this can be divided into shorter sessions of 15 to 20 minutes. Play chasing activities like tag or ball games with younger kids. For older kids, try going on family walks or joining a group sport. Whenever possible, travel by foot or bicycle rather than by car. Encourage participation in community or school team sports, which can enhance the fun of physical activity and foster peer relationships. My Skin in Canada

Wellness, not weight

Avoid making weight the only focus in this process by paying greater attention to the family-wide benefits of healthy eating and active behaviors. These are the ingredients needed to support your child’s growth and development into adulthood, as well as boosting their immunity and emotional well-being. In fact, making the right changes at the family level will help prevent your child from having dieting or eating problems later in life.


The best way to support your child’s happiness and health is for them to know you’re there for them no matter what. Understand that this is difficult for them too, but by enjoying healthy meals and engaging in physical activity together as a family, you can help your child to feel supported in making positive, healthy lifestyle changes that can go far beyond weight loss.